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  • What does different order status mean?
    Pending / Pending Payment - Payment was unsuccessful Processing - Payment Successful, yet to be shipped Shipment on Transit - Order has been shipped from our warehouse Cancelled - Order has been cancelled due to non payment Closed - Successful order cancelled based on customer request and refund has been initiated
  • How do I check the status of my order?
    We will keep updating you regarding your Order status through email from drisana wherein you will receive email notifications for a) Successful placement of order. b) Tracking details once the order is dispatched. c)Order Canceled.
  • Who will pay for shipping and delivery charges?
    The shipping and delivery charges are borne by the customer. Total order amount will include the shipping and packing charges. Please note that for international customers, the VAT/ Import Duties/ Local Taxes are borne directly by the customer, to be paid at the time of delivery to our courier partner. These taxes will be chargeable over and above the product/order price you pay. These charges are ungovernable as they differ from country to country according to local rules and regulations.
  • Do the prices on website include taxes?
    Yes. All prices are inclusive of taxes. For international customers, the VAT/ Import Duties/ Local Taxes are borne directly by the customer, to be paid at the time of delivery to our courier partner. These taxes will be chargeable over and above the product/order price you pay.
  • What is the estimated delivery time?
    The estimated time of delivery is within 3-5 business days for domestic orders and 10-12 working days for international orders. All orders get shipped within 1-2 business days from our warehouse.
  • Who will be responsible for paying local taxes outside India?
    For international customers, the VAT/ Import Duties/ Local Taxes are borne directly by the customer, to be paid at the time of delivery to our courier partner.
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